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Department Leaders Advisory Council


The purpose of the Department Leaders Advisory Council is twofold:

  • to review drafts of new or revised policies that affect the academic mission of the University, the working conditions of the faculty, and/or the responsibilities of department leaders, and to provide recommendations to the policy originator(s) before being reviewed by Ed Council
  • to advise the Vice Provost for Academic Leadership and Faculty Affairs on matters related to their roles as department leaders

Policies under review will be routed first to the Department Leaders Advisory Council before being routed to the Ed Council.


The Advisory Council will meet monthly, at a minimum, and may meet more frequently as needed and as agreed upon by the Council members. The Assistant Provost will convene the meetings and distribute materials prior to the meeting.

The Council will be facilitated by the Vice Provost for Academic Leadership and Faculty Affairs (AL-FA) in coordination with the Senior Project Coordinator for AL-FA and the University Policy Officer.


Members are determined as follows:

  • Representatives from each college and from University Foundations, as appropriate and available
  • Minimum of 8, maximum of 14
  • Membership is determined by the number of undergraduate and graduate majors in the college, with one representative for every 1800 majors (based on the most recent DAR)


Ex Officio

  • Vice Provost of Academic Leadership and Faculty Affairs (AL-FA), Michelle Payne
  • Senior Project Coordinator for AL-FA, Spencer Kelly
  • University Policy Officer, Angie Zirschy


Unit Representatives
per 1800 majors
Arts & Sciences up to 3 Lisa Brady (COAS 1)
Stephen Crowley (COAS 2)
Margaret Kinzel (COAS 3)
Business & Economics up to 2 —Troy Hyatt
—Doug Twitchell
Education up to 1 Arturo Rodriguez
Engineering up to 1 Jerry Fails
Health Sciences up to 3 Kelley Connor
Megan Koster
Lynda Ransdall
Innovation & Design up to 1 Vacant
Public Service up to 1 Nisha Bellinger
Library up to 1 Heather Grevatt
University Foundations up to 1 Matt Recla

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